15 July 2012

The Ring Verse ... in 69 languages!

Some months ago, I had the of idea of compiling translations of the Ring Verse in as many languages as possible. I started to ask some friends to translate the Verse of the Rings in their native tongue. After a few days, I thought that maybe someone had had this idea already, so when I did a search on the web, I came upon several sites that offer many translations! 

The first one I discovered was Elrond's Library, a site of Tolkien collectionist Yvan Strelzyk. His site offers translations of this verse into 56 languages, and sometimes with different versions of the same language. Most jpg files in this post are from his site, don't hesitate checking it out! I will cite translations from this webpage as EL.

Another site with many translations is Polish site http://www.lodz.tpsa.pl/bez/Tolkien/vers-eng.html, Gwidon S. Naskrent is the author of that article. It has the Verse in 33 languages, some of which don't appear in the Elrond's Library site, including Sindarin. I will cite translations from this webpage as GN.

Regarding Quenya translations, I found two: the Elvish.org one (EV), translated by Maciej Garbowski, and the one of Ambar Eldaron (AE). Elvish.org also has a different Sindarin version given by Ryszard Derdzinski.  

Finally, I also found two Old English translations: the one by Freya Harrison (FH) and the one by Carl Anderson (CA). 

Edit: recently I have added translations in four new languages: Tagalog, Quechua, Delang and Slovak, and additional translations in Frisian and Russian.

Edit: 21/2/2015: Today I have added Modern Gaulish thanks to Steven Hansen. Be sure to check his Modern Gaulish site: http://www.moderngaulish.com/

Edit: 11/2/2021: I have added translations in 10 new languages: Afrikaans, Breton, Korean, Marathi, Mongol, Montenegrin, Sinhala, Swahili, Vietnamese and Yiddish! I also added additional translations/notes on Italian and Slovak translations. Thanks to cody w,  한씨 얘,  and the Anonymous users for their contributions!

Please feel free to email me or comment with additional translations! Thank you! 

So here you have the Ring Verse in 69 languages:

Afrikaans (thanks to user cody w in comments):

Drie ringe vir die Elf-konings op die aard',
Sewe vir die Dwerg-here in hull steensale gekrooon,
Nege vir die mens, sterflikheid in sy aart,
Een vir die Donker Heer op sy donker troon
In die land van Mordor waar skadu's lê.
Een ring om almal te regeer, Een ring om hul te vind,
Een ring om hul te bring, en in die duister te bind,
In die land van Mordor waar skadu's lê.

Albanian (EL):

Arabic (EL):

Armenian (EL):

Basque (EL):

Belarussian (EL):

Bengali (EL): 

Breton (thanks to the Anonymous user in comments):

Teir gẘalenn d’ar Rouaneż-lutun dindan an neñv
Seizh d’an Aotroneż-korrigan ’n o falesioù-mein.
Naw d’an Dud Varwel tonked da verwel,
Unan d’an Aotroù Teñval war e dron teñval,
E Bro Mordor, e skeud an disc’holoù,
Ur ẘalenn d’o ren oll, ur ẘalenn d’o c’havoud
Ur ẘalenn d’o digass oll hag en deñvalijenn d’o eren
E Bro Mordor, e skeud an disc’holoù.

Bulgarian (EL):

Catalan (EL):

Chinese (simplified) (EL):

Chinese (traditional) (EL): 

Croatian (EL):

Czech (EL):

Danish (EL):


thanks to Koppa Dasao for providing the translation. (What is Delang?)

Тłікелтсҩ ҩнј δеѕељѡе, Рҩј ѕип δеѕнибі
Земкелтсҩ ҩнј δеѕƕомі мін, Рҩј ѕип δеѕмҩнс
Јаткелтсҩ ҩнј δеѕƕомі ај Мор ѕиврі
Анкелтсҩ ҩнј δерҩј нyь ҩнМҩрδҩр ҩні
ін δетелј ƕҩłи δенyьт політіьі.
Анкелтсҩ ƕамас політіьі, анкелтсҩ ƕамас гłомеѕтіљі
анкелтсҩ ƕамас ҩнј Мҩрδҩр гемтłені і о Нyьт ƕамас ѕтłіњі
ін δетелј ƕҩłи δенyьт політіьі.

Dutch (EL):

Esperanto (GN):

Tri ringoj por la elfo-regoj, sub la chielo; 
Sep por la dvarvo-moshtoj, en haloj de shton'. 
Nau por hom' mortema, kondamnita de mortpelo; 
Unu por Malluma Moshto, sur Malluma Tron', 
En la lando Mordor, tenebra pro malhelo. 
Unu Ring' por regi chiujn, unu por venigi, 
Unu por sklavigi kaj mallume enchenigi, 
En la lando Mordor, tenebra pro malhelo

Esperanto (EL):

Estonian (EL):

Faroese (EL):

Finnish (GN):

Kolme sormusta haltiakuninkaille alla auringon,
seitsemän kääpiöruhtinaille kivisaleissaan,
yhdeksän ihmisille jotka vie tuoni armoton,
yksi Mustalle Ruhtinaalle valtaistuimellaan
maassa Mordorin joka varjojen saartama on.
Yksi sormus löytää heidät, se yksi heitä hallitsee,
se yksi heidät yöhön syöksee ja pimeyteen kahlitsee
maassa Mordorin joka varjojen saartama on.

French (GN):

Trois Anneaux pour les Rois d'Elfes sous le ciel d'azure,
Sept pour les Seigneurs Naîns dans leurs demeures de pierre,
Neuf pour les Hommes mortels destinés au trepas,
Un pour le Seigneur des Tenèbres sur son sombre trone,
Dans le pays de Mordor ou s'étendent les ombres.
Un Anneau pour les gouverner tous, un Anneau pour les trouver,
Un Anneau pour les amener tous et dans les tenèbres les lier
Au pays de Mordor ou s'étendent les Ombres.

Frisian (EL): (What is Frisian?)

Thanks to Mithrennaith for pointing out this is the official translation by Liuwe H. Westra of FotR, and by providing an older translation by Douwe Tamminga, published in Lembas #13, Journal of Tolkien Society Unquendor in the Netherlands:

Trije Ringen foar de Alve-kenings, wolk-dutsen en heech-eal.
Sân foar it Ierdmans-folk yn harren stiennen seal.
Njoggen foar Stjerlingen, ta de dea ferwiisd.
Ien foar de Foarst, dêr ’t syn dûnkere troane riist
 yn Mordor, oerskade en feal.
Ien Ring ta regear, ien Ring om eltsien te finen,
Ien Ring om te bringen, ien om by tsjuster te elts te binen
 oan Mordor, oerskade en feal.

Gaelic (Irish) (GN):

Trí fháinne do ríthe na síogaithe thuas sa spéir,
seacht gcinn do tiarnaí na n-abhac ina gcuid hallaí cloiche,
naoi gcinn do dhaoine básmhaire atá faoi cháineadh an éag.
Fáinne amháin don tiarna dubh ar a ríchathaoir dhubh
i dtír Mordor a bhfagraíonn na scáileanna.
Fáinne amháin len iad a rialú,
fáinne amháin len iad a fháil,
fáinne amháin len iad a thabhairt,
fáinne amháin len iad a cheangal sa dorchadas
i dtír Mordor a bhfagraíonn na scáileanna.

Galician (EL):

Gaulish (Modern) 

thanks to Steve Hansen, from http://www.moderngaulish.com/:

Tri anévis ri Rhiché in Dhonwathé gwó in nem
séith ri Dierné Coru en só déimár hachaunach
ná ri dhoné anvitháiach durathwíthu a warwi
on ri'n Tiern Dumn gwer ó harsel dumn
en Dír Mordhor pémái lía in 'cáthé
on anévis a chwáli ol uchís, on anévis a húri ichís
on anévis a hácha ol uchís ach a lhichi ichís en dhuvachas
en Dír Mordhor pémái lía in 'cáthé.

Georgian (EL):

German (GN):

Drei Ringe den Elbenkönigen hoch im Licht,
Sieben den Zwergenherrschern in ihren Hallen aus Stein,
Den Sterblichen, ewig dem Tode verfallen, neun,
Einer dem Dunklen Herrn auf dunklem Thron
Im Lande Mordor, wo die Schatten drohn.
Ein Ring, sie zu knechten, sie alle zu finden,
Ins Dunkel zu treiben und ewig zu binden
Im Lande Mordor, wo die Schatten drohn.

Gothic (GN):

Thrija figgragultha faur thans albiska-thiudanans undar thana himin;
Sibun faur thans dwairga-fraujans in rohsnim seinaim stainahaim;
Niun faur mannans diwanans, domidans diwan;
Ain faur thana fraujan riqizeinan ana stola riqizeinamma seinamma,
In thamma landa Maurdauris tharei thai skadjus ligand.
Ain figgragulth waldan ija alla, ain figgragulth finthan ija,
Ain figgragulth briggan ija alla jah in riqiza bindan ija.
In thamma landa Maurdauris tharei thai skadjus ligand.

Greek (EL):

Hebrew (EL):

Hungarian (EL):

Icelandic (EL):

Indonesian (EL):

Italian (GN):

Tre Anelli ai re degli Elfi sotto il cielo che risplende,
Sette ai Principi dei Nani nelle loro rocche di pietra
Nove agli Uomini Mortali che la triste morte attende,
Uno per l'Oscuro Sire chiuso nella reggia tetra
Nella Terra di Mordor, dove l'Ombra nera scende.
Un Anello per domarli, Un anello per trovarli,
Un Anello per ghermirli e nel buio incatenarli,
Nella Terra di Mordor, dove l'Ombra cupa scende.

An Anonymous user has kindly provided the new Italian translation (which seems it's part of a big controversy regarding the quality of the new Lord of the Rings Italian translation):

This is the new Italian translation of the poetry of the ring, recently released after the old one.
Tre Anelli ai Re degli Elfi sotto il cielo,
Sette ai Principi dei Nani nell'Aule di pietra,
Nove agli Uomini Mortali dal fato crudele,
Uno al Nero Sire sul suo trono tetro
Nella Terra di Mordor dove le Ombre si celano.
Un Anello per trovarli, Uno per vincerli,
Uno per radunarli e al buio avvincerli
Nella Terra di Mordor dove le Ombre di celano.


Already in the Introduction to the Piccola Biblioteca Rusconi edition of 1974, with translation by Viky di Villafranca (who had already produced, with Tolkien's approval, the translation for the edition of the Astrolabio Publishing House in 1967), the Poetry of the Ring takes on very different characteristics from those we have come to know in the Bompiani edition. The Poetry of the Ring in translation in Elémire Zolla's Introduction reads:
Tre anelli per il re degli Elfi sotto il cielo,
Sette per i signori dei nani nelle aule di pietra,
Nove per gli uomini votati alla morte,
Uno per il Signore tenebroso sul cupo trono
Nella terra di Mordor dove posano le ombre.
Un unico anello per reggerli tutti e trovarli
E adunarli e legarli nel buio,
Nella terra di Mordor dove posano le ombre.

Japanese (EL):

Korean (thanks to 한씨 얘 in comments):

하늘 아래 요정왕들을 위한 세 반지
돌의 궁전 속 난쟁이 군주들을 위한 일곱 반지
죽을 운명의 인간들을 위한 아홉 반지
암흑권좌의 암흑군주를 위한 절대 반지
그림자가 드리운 모르도르의 땅에서,
모두를 지배하는 절대 반지, 모두를 찾아낼 절대 반지
모두를 불러낼 절대 반지, 그리고 암흑 속에서 그들을 속박하리니
그림자가 드리운 모르도르의 땅에서.

Korean (EL):

Latin (GN):

Tres anellorum sub diuo regibus altis,
effossas septem dominis habitantibus aulas,
et nouem eis quorum fatumst occumbere mortem,
unicus autem Atro Domino, qui in sede resurget
Mordore terra illa, qua sunt caliginis umbrae.
Unus qui moderetur eis, et qui appetat omnis,
et qui ad sese adducat eos tenebrisque capistret
Mordore terra illa, qua sunt caliginis umbrae.

Latvian (EL):

Lithuanian (EL):

Macedonian (EL):

Marathi (EL): what is Marathi?

Mongolian (EL):

Montenegrin (EL):

Norwegian (EL):

Old English (version 1) (CA):

Hringas þríe       þéodnum Ælfa,
allra ældestum,     ofer eormengrunde.
Hringas seofun     innan sele stænnum 
Dwergdryhtnum.     Derc heara hús.
Hringas nigon     néote Moncynn,
hláfordas méra     mégas déaðfæge.
Heolstres Hearra     hring ánne weardað
in dryhtsele dimmum     on dercan þrymmsetle
þér licgað scedwa     in londe Mordores.
Hring án gewalde,     hring án gefinde,
hring án gebringe,     hring án gebinde
þéoda swá þéowas     in þéostrum tógedere
þér licgað scedwa     in londe Mordores.

Notemug has uploaded a video reading this version of the verse!

Old English (version 2) (FH):

þrie hringa cyngum ælfcynnes heaum
in middangeardes grenholtum heanes to hrofe
seofon sincgiefum dweorgas of dunum
seo foldesbreost forhelest symbelhus stænen
nigon manndryhtnum guðweardum gumcynnes
wyrd sceol gescieran læne lif of licum
ond an thaem deorcan on his sweartan stole
in westnese mordores fæste forbræded
an hring ælce to wealdanne ælce to findenne
an hring ælce to bringenne þeowas in þeostre
in westnesse mordores fæste forbræded.

Persian/Farsi (EL):

Polish (GN):

Trzy Pierścienie dla królów Elfów pod otwartym niebem,
Siedem dla władców krasnali w ich kamiennych pałacach,
Dziewięć dla śmiertelników, ludzi śmierci podległych,
Jeden dla Władcy Ciemności na czarnym tronie
W krainie Mordor, gdzie zaległy cienie,
Jeden, by wszystkimi rządzić, Jeden, by wszystkie odnaleźć,
Jeden, by wszystkie zgromadzić i w ciemności związać
W krainie Mordor, gdzie zaległy cienie.

Portuguese (GN):

Três anéis para os Reis-Elfos sob este céu,
Sete para os Senhores-Anoes em seus rochosos corredores,
Nove para Homens Mortais, fadados ao eterno sono,
Um para o Senhor do Escuro em seu escuro trono
Na Terra de Mordor onde as Sombras se deitam.
Um Anel para a todos governar, Um Anel para encontrá-los,
Um Anel para a todos trazer e na escuridao aprisioná-los
Na Terra de Mordor onde as Sombras se deitam.


(thanks to Larry Oruro for the translation, and to my friend Andrea for providing the contact):

Kinsa siwikuna hanaqpacha ukhupi Elfo Inkakunapaq.
Qanchis rumi pukarakunapi Huch’uy Wiraquchakunapaq.
Isqun wañuyman qinchasqa Wañuq Runakunapaq.
Huk Yana ch’umpi Wiraquchapaq, tutayaq pukara patapi
haqay llanthuq kamaynin Mordor Llaqtapi.
Huk siwi llapanku kamachinapaq. Huk siwi llapanku tarinapaq.
Huk siwi llapanku qayllachimunapaq hinasqa tutaman watarunapaq.
Haqay llanthuq kamaynin Mordor Llaqtapi.

Quenya version 1 (EV):

Neldë Cormar Eldaron Aranen nu i vilya,
   Otso Heruin Naucoron ondeva mardentassen,
Nertë Firimë Nérin yar i Nuron martyar,
   Minë i Morë Herun mormahalmaryassë
Mornórëo Nóressë yassë i Fuini caitar.
   Minë Corma turië të ilyë, Minë Corma hirië të,
   Minë Corma hostië të ilyë ar mordossë nutië të
Mornórëo Nóressë yassë i Fuini caitar.

Tengwar transcription:

Quenya version 2 (AE):

Neldë cormar Aranin Eldaron nu Menel
Otso Herurin Naucoron martamenta ondovassë
Nertë Atanin martainë qualmen
Minë Morë Herun morë mahalmaryassë
Nóressë Mordoro yassë caitar i Lómini
Minë corma an turë ilyë
Minë corma an hirë të ilyë
Minë corma an tulë të ilyë
Ar morniessë nutë të
Nóressë Mordoro yassë caitar i Lómini.

Arkxyz has uploaded a video of herself reading the poem, be sure to listen to it!

Romanian (EL):

Russian (EL):
Dave Doughan, in the Tolkien Society facebook page, shared this link with more than 30 Russian translations:

Serbian (EL):

Sinhala (EL): (what is Sinhala?)

Sindarin (version 1) (EV):

Glîr i Chyrf e-Ndur

Corf neledh 'nin Ellerain nui venel,
Odo'ni Nauhírath vi rynd gonui în,
Neder'ni Fîr Fírib beraid fíred,
Êr am Morchír bo morn-orchamm dîn
Vi Dor e-Mordor ias i-Ndúath caedar.
Er-chorf a thorthad hain bain, Er-chorf a chired hain,
Er-chorf a thoged hain bain a din fuin an nuded hain
Vi Dor e-Mordor ias i-Ndúath caedar.

Sindarin (version 2) (GN):

Neledh Côr 'nin Edhelaranath nui venel,
Odog a Ngonhirrim ned gonthamath în,
Neder an Firiath, beraid gwanno,
Min a Chirdhur or dhurvachalf în,
Ned Mordor nedhi gaenar i ngwaith.
Min Côr a thorthad hain phain, Min Côr a chiriad hain,
Min Côr a theged hain a nedhi vorn gweded hain
Ned Mordor nedhi gaenar i ngwaith.

Slovak (thanks to Thalen, who provided this translation via comments):

Tri prstene elfským kráľom vonku pod nebom,
Sedem pánom trpaslíkov v sieňach z kameňa,
Deväť mužom z ľudí, ktorých osudom je skon,
Veľprsteň pre Pána tmy na tróne z plameňa,
V zemi Mordor, kde tieň vládne zlom.

Veľprsten im všetkým velí, jeho ruka krutá
Privolá ich do jedného a v čiernej tme spúta
V zemi Mordor, kde tieň vládne zlom.

Additionally, Tuilinn provided the following interesting comment (thanks so much!):

The last 4 lines do have a different translation in the radio dramatization in Slovak. In the opening song of it there is:

V zemi zvanej Mordor, kde šero so šerom sa snúbi,
Jeden prsteň všetkým vládne, Jeden všetkých zhubí,
Jeden všetkých privedie, do temnoty zviaže
v zemi zvanej Mordor, kde šero so šerom sa snúbi.

However, in the story the ring inscription has even another slightly modified translation:

Jeden prsteň vládne všetkým, Jeden všetkým prikazuje,
Jeden všetkých privedie, do temnoty pozväzuje.

Slovenian (EL):
Spanish (GN):

Tres anillos para los Reyes Elfos bajo el cielo. 
Siete para los Señores Enanos en palacios de piedra. 
Nueve para los Hombres Mortales condenados a morir. 
Uno para el Señor Oscuro, sobre el trono oscuro 
en la Tierra de Mordor donde se extienden las Sombras. 
Un Anillo para gobernarlos a todos. Un Anillo para encontrarlos.
Un Anillo para atraerlos a todos y atarlos en las tinieblas.
En la Tierra de Mordor donde se extienden las Sombras.

Swahili (EL):

Swedish (GN):

Tre ringar för älvkonungarnas makt högt i det blå, 
sju för dvärgarnas furstar i salarna av sten, 
nio för de dödliga, som köttets väg skall gå, 
en för Mörkrets herre i ondskans dunkla sken 
i Mordorlandets hisnande gruva. 
En ring att sämja dem, 
en ring att främja dem, 
en ring att djupt i mörkrets 
vida riken tämja dem - 
i Mordors land, där skuggorna ruva.


(thanks to Erick A. Fabian):

Tatlong Singsing para sa mga haring Elbenyo sa ilalim ng kalangitan
Pito nito para sa mga Duwendeng panginoon sa kanilang mga bulwagang bato
Siyam para sa mga Taong Mortal, na nakatadhanang mamatay
Isa para sa Hari ng Kadiliman sa kanyang maitim na trono
Doon sa lupalop ng Mordor na kinapupugaran ng mga anino
Isang Singsing na mamumuno sa kanilang lahat,
Isang Singsing na hahanap sa kanila,
Isang Singsing upang sila'y ipagsasama-sama
At igapos silang lahat sa Kadiliman
Doon sa lupalop ng Mordor na kinapupugaran ng mga anino.

Thai (EL):

Turkish (EL):
Ukrainian (EL):
Valencian (GN):

Tres Anells per als Reixos Elfos baix el Cel,
Set per els Senyors Enanos als palaus de pedra,
Nou per als Homens Mortals destinats a morir.
Un per al Senyor Fosc, al seu trono fosc,
a la Terra de Mordor, a on s'estenen les Ombres.
Un Anell per a governar-los a tots, un Anell per a trobar-los,
Un Anell per a portar-los, i nugar-los en les Tiniebles
a la terra de Mordor a on s'estenen les Ombres.

Vietnamese (EL):

Yiddish (EL):

And last but not least, from Tolkien Gateway

So there you go, the Ring Verse in 69 languages! :D 

If you see a mistake or your language is missing, please contact me!


  1. You've did a fantastic job collecting them O.O old English <3

  2. Thank you, I appreciate your feedback! :D Someday I'll make my own Quenya translation!

  3. The Frisian one is from the official translation by Liuwe H. Westra of FotR (the other volumes still to come), but there is an older Frisian translation of the Ring verse only by Douwe Tamminga, published in Lembas #13, Journal of Tolkien Society Unquendor in the Netherlands:

    Trije Ringen foar de Alve-kenings, wolk-dutsen en heech-eal.
    Sân foar it Ierdmans-folk yn harren stiennen seal.
    Njoggen foar Stjerlingen, ta de dea ferwiisd.
    Ien foar de Foarst, dêr ’t syn dûnkere troane riist
     yn Mordor, oerskade en feal.
    Ien Ring ta regear, ien Ring om eltsien te finen,
    Ien Ring om te bringen, ien om by tsjuster te elts te binen
     oan Mordor, oerskade en feal.

    1. Thank you a lot, Mithrennaith! I have updated the post with your valuable information!

  4. Delang:

    Тłікелтсҩ ҩнј δеѕељѡе, Рҩј ѕип δеѕнибі
    Земкелтсҩ ҩнј δеѕƕомі мін, Рҩј ѕип δеѕмҩнс
    Јаткелтсҩ ҩнј δеѕƕомі ај Мор ѕиврі
    Анкелтсҩ ҩнј δерҩј нyь ҩнМҩрδҩр ҩні
    ін δетелј ƕҩłи δенyьт політіьі.
    Анкелтсҩ ƕамас політіьі, анкелтсҩ ƕамас гłомеѕтіљі
    анкелтсҩ ƕамас ҩнј Мҩрδҩр гемтłені і о Нyьт ƕамас ѕтłіњі
    ін δетелј ƕҩłи δенyьт політіьі.

    Three rings to the elves, King under the clouds
    Seven rings to the small people, King under the mountains
    Nine rings to men who suffer death
    One ring for the black king of Mordor to own
    in the land where the night rules
    One ring rules them all, one ring finds them all
    one ring to Mordor brings them all and by Night bind them
    in the land where the night rules.

    1. Thanks a lot! Honestly I did not know what Delang was, but now that I have read about it, I find it extremely interesting! Cheers!

  5. Slovak (former part Czechoslovakia) is missing:

    Tri prstene elfským kráľom vonku pod nebom,
    Sedem pánom trpaslíkov v sieňach z kameňa,
    Deväť mužom z ľudí, ktorých osudom je skon,
    Veľprsteň pre Pána tmy na tróne z plameňa,
    V zemi Mordor, kde tieň vládne zlom.

    Veľprsten im všetkým velí, jeho ruka krutá
    Privolá ich do jedného a v čiernej tme spúta
    V zemi Mordor, kde tieň vládne zlom.

    1. Fantastic! Thanks a lot, Thalen, I have now added Slovak to the list! The Ring Verse is in 58 languages now.

    2. The last 4 lines do have a different translation in the radio dramatization in Slovak. In the opening song of it there is:

      V zemi zvanej Mordor, kde šero so šerom sa snúbi,
      Jeden prsteň všetkým vládne, Jeden všetkých zhubí,
      Jeden všetkých privedie, do temnoty zviaže
      v zemi zvanej Mordor, kde šero so šerom sa snúbi.

      However, in the story the ring inscription has even another slightly modified translation:

      Jeden prsteň vládne všetkým, Jeden všetkým prikazuje,
      Jeden všetkých privedie, do temnoty pozväzuje.

      (Tuilinn my nickname is)

    3. Thank you, Tuilinn, I have added your comment. This is great =D.

  6. In Modern Gaulish:

    Tri anévis ri Rhiché in Dhonwathé gwó in nem
    séith ri Dierné Coru en só déimár hachaunach
    ná ri dhoné anvitháiach durathwíthu a warwi
    on ri'n Tiern Dumn gwer ó harsel dumn
    en Dír Mordhor pémái lía in 'cáthé
    on anévis a chwáli ol uchís, on anévis a húri ichís
    on anévis a hácha ol uchís ach a lhichi ichís en dhuvachas
    en Dír Mordhor pémái lía in 'cáthé

    Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky,
    Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,
    Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die,
    One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne,
    In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie,
    One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them,
    One ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
    In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Awesome, thank you very much indeed! I have provided a link of your site too, in the credits!

  7. I can't believe that there isn't a Welsh or Gaelic version!

    And it'd be a challenge to post, but an ASL version would be neat.

    1. Hello. There is a Gaelic version now =D. ASL is a great idea. I searched online and couldn't find everything, but it would be great to have someone record a youtube video. Thanks for the idea.

  8. I was wondering what the rest of the poem would be in the Black Speech of Mordor, the language it would apparently have been composed in. We've seen the last three lines written around the ring for several decades now, but nothing of the ones coming before.

    Here's an answer from http://www.amagpiesnest.com/source_songs/FOTR/SSring_verse.htm (which someone ought to put into Tengwar/Tîw to go with the ring inscription):

    Shre nazg golugranu kilmi-nudu
    Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky

    Ombi kuzddurbagu gundum-ishi
    Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,

    Nugu gurunkilu bard gurutu
    Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die,

    Ash Burz-Durbagu burzum-ishi
    One for the Dark lord on his dark throne

    Daghburz-ishi makha gulshu darulu
    In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.

    Ash nazg durbatulûk
    One Ring to-rule-them-all

    ash nazg gimbatul,
    One Ring to-find-them,

    ash nazg thrakatulûk
    One Ring to-bring-them-all

    agh burzum-ishi krimpatul
    and in-the-Darkness bind-them

    1. This is a very good question indeed. However, I do not think there is enough Black Speech grammar to create an accurate translation, but of course, I may be very wrong.

  9. Breton:
    Teir gẘalenn d’ar Rouaneż-lutun dindan an neñv
    Seizh d’an Aotroneż-korrigan ’n o falesioù-mein.
    Naw d’an Dud Varwel tonked da verwel,
    Unan d’an Aotroù Teñval war e dron teñval,
    E Bro Mordor, e skeud an disc’holoù,
    Ur ẘalenn d’o ren oll, ur ẘalenn d’o c’havoud
    Ur ẘalenn d’o digass oll hag en deñvalijenn d’o eren
    E Bro Mordor, e skeud an disc’holoù.

    1. Wonderful! Added! I have seen there is a Hobbit in Breton available on Amazon, it looks so tempting.

  10. Here is the Korean version.

    하늘 아래 요정왕들을 위한 세 반지
    돌의 궁전 속 난쟁이 군주들을 위한 일곱 반지
    죽을 운명의 인간들을 위한 아홉 반지
    암흑권좌의 암흑군주를 위한 절대 반지
    그림자가 드리운 모르도르의 땅에서,
    모두를 지배하는 절대 반지, 모두를 찾아낼 절대 반지
    모두를 불러낼 절대 반지, 그리고 암흑 속에서 그들을 속박하리니
    그림자가 드리운 모르도르의 땅에서.

    1. 감사합니다! This is a great addition.

  11. Philippa White5 June 2018 at 02:37

    This is amazing!
    I have a Chinese calligraphy competition tomorrow and have been looking for something nerdy to write. Thank you for the inspiration.

    1. Haha this is awesome! How did the competition go?

  12. In Afrikaans:

    Drie ringe vir die Elf-konings op die aard',
    Sewe vir die Dwerg-here in hull steensale gekrooon,
    Nege vir die mens, sterflikheid in sy aart,
    Een vir die Donker Heer op sy donker troon
    In die land van Mordor waar skadu's lê.
    Een ring om almal te regeer, Een ring om hul te vind,
    Een ring om hul te bring, en in die duister te bind,
    In die land van Mordor waar skadu's lê.

    1. Oh, this was missing! Now it's first on the list. Dankie!

  13. This is the new Italian translation of the poetry of the ring, recently released after the old one.
    Tre Anelli ai Re degli Elfi sotto il cielo,
    Sette ai Principi dei Nani nell'Aule di pietra,
    Nove agli Uomini Mortali dal fato crudele,
    Uno al Nero Sire sul suo trono tetro
    Nella Terra di Mordor dove le Ombre si celano.
    Un Anello per trovarli, Uno per vincerli,
    Uno per radunarli e al buio avvincerli
    Nella Terra di Mordor dove le Ombre di celano.


    1. Grazie mille per la nuova traduzione! And thanks for the link and the details in the other comment. If possible, I always try to read anything in original language, but I'd like to give "The Hobbit" in Italian a try =D.

  14. Already in the Introduction to the Piccola Biblioteca Rusconi edition of 1974, with translation by Viky di Villafranca (who had already produced, with Tolkien's approval, the translation for the edition of the Astrolabio Publishing House in 1967), the Poetry of the Ring takes on very different characteristics from those we have come to know in the Bompiani edition. The Poetry of the Ring in translation in Elémire Zolla's Introduction reads:
    Tre anelli per il re degli Elfi sotto il cielo,
    Sette per i signori dei nani nelle aule di pietra,
    Nove per gli uomini votati alla morte,
    Uno per il Signore tenebroso sul cupo trono
    Nella terra di Mordor dove posano le ombre.
    Un unico anello per reggerli tutti e trovarli
    E adunarli e legarli nel buio,
    Nella terra di Mordor dove posano le ombre.

  15. Would it be possible if I do this in Cebuano (my native language)? I’d like to do it if it’s just all right with you.

    1. Of course! It would be my pleasure to add it! You can leave it as a comment here or send it to my email. I appreciate it.

  16. Hello There Ligandil.
    I found the first Italian translation of the ring poem in the Astrolabe edition in the blog:
    And it reads like this:
    Tre Anelli per i Re Gnomici
    Che dominano nell’eternità,
    Sette per i Principi dei Nani
    Che nei manieri di pietra sono,
    Nove per i Miseri Uomini
    Destinati alla mortalità,
    L’Unico per l’Oscuro Signore
    Seduto sull’oscuro trono
    Nella Terra di Mordor
    Dove l’Ombra incombe.
    L’Unico Anello per dominarli,
    L’Unico Anello per trovarli,
    L’Unico Anello per afferrarli
    E vincolarli nell’oscurità
    Nella Terra di Mordor
    Dove l’ombra incombe.

    But already from this poem one can see one of the great differences between this
    Rusconi and Bompiani editions: the English word 'elves' is translated as 'gnomes' and not as 'elves'.
    As the word elf also the creature did not exist in Italy.
    There was a cultural adaptation of fantasy creatures in Italy.

  17. I find myself wondering what it would be like in any of the Bantu languages besides Swahili - Tolkien after all was born in South Africa, at Bloemfontein, and I don't doubt he heard Sotho spoken in his younger years.

    1. my on-the-fly translation into comlang Āphnaibhāṣākōbhūmi from the poem
      (not set in stone, so...)

  18. This is the new translation into Brazilian Portuguese (from HarperCollins edition, 2019):

    Três Anéis para os élficos reis sob o céu
    Sete para os Anãos em recinto rochoso
    Nove para os Homens que a morte escolheu
    Um para o Senhor Sombrio no espaldar tenebroso
    Na Terra de Mordor aonde a Sombra desceu
    Um Anel que a todos rege, Um Anel para achá-los
    Um Anel que a todos traz, para na escuridão atá-los
    Na Terra de Mordor, aonde a sombra desceu
